Yesterday, it was a little blast of "spring" in the air around here. Temps near 60 degrees, sunny, blue skies, a glorious day, everyone out and about. It was a promise of better days ahead, slowly emerging from the winter doldrums. Sure, it was just one day, but it a was a hint, a marker, a reminder that the world is turning, and things are always in flux.
Things were looking up on the financial market scene too. When I say "looking up" I mean, looking, decidedly, boldly down. It was a cheerful development over in our corner. We are cheering on the Tesla Takedown, and maybe a market reckoning for this new turn to Fascism, and well, there was a 15% drop in market capitilization, for Tesla stock yesterday, a sweet & beautiful Karma.
Sorry, if you are a Tesla stock-holder, or vehicle-owner, I do pity you. What to say? Sell. Now. Take the hit, or the profit, and get out now. I am not making any market predictions, but like I said before, having your brand ambassador going full-Nazi, intent on destroying America's social safety net, in order to get a tax break for the filthy rich, is not good for business.
As Josh Marshall over on Blue Sky asked: "How can it be that more and more people don't like the socially-stunted dweeb-fuhrer?"
A neighbor down the way owns a black Tesla. It does look pretty sleek and cool in the driveway. In the bay window of the house there is a Ukrainian flag proudly displayed. I wanted to ask the owner what he thought of the Nazi, being stuck owning a Tesla, Musk siding with Putin against Democracy and Ukraine, but I just didn't have the heart, it was just too nice of a day for such talk. But I did wonder about the cognitive dissonance crashing like an out-of-control self-driving Tesla, in my neighbor's head. WTF?!