How to explain the shit-show that is unfolding in America now?
The simple, elegant and obvious explanation: The President isn't really working for America or Americans. He never has been, and never will be.
What is the one consistent theme that explains his actions? Vladimir Putin & Russia. Just look at the evidence. Our President is always aligned with Putin. He always takes Putin's side. It doesn't take much digging or homework or hard-thinking to come to that conclusion. That explanation has been floating around since forever. In fact, it is so blindingly obvious, it's almost invisible now. For proof just look at what our President says and does. Words & actions. It's all about his buddy/master/handler/co-conspirator/big daddy, Vladimir.
MAGA has never been about making America great. It is selling division, demoralization & diminshment here and abroad. It is an invalidation of America. It weakens us. Trump's mission is Putin's mission too. Their enemies: A free press, fact-based reality, rule of law, free & fair elections, healthy Democracies around the world.
You may ask why?
There are many plausible explanations. It is probably a combination of many things, but we are stuck with the cold hard reality. It's a bummer. For sure. A terrible thing. Bad for America and our allies around the world. Seems Un-American. Buddying up with an anti-democratic strongman against the free world. But as Kurt Vonnegut liked to write: So it Goes...