whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution

Friday, March 21, 2025

A Case-Study of Self-Sabotage & Implosion...

Funny. The implosion going on now with Elon Musk & Telsa has got me following the Stock Market, and reading articles from the Financial Times. So unlike me. But I am fascinated by the Nazi Brand Ambassodor destroying his own brand, and stock holdings, in real time. A real case-study of a massive failure of epic proportions. There is brand-building, and, then, well, brand-unbuilding.

Tesla is Musk's major source of wealth. And he is trashing it at an astonishing rate. Talk about self-sabotage. It has spawned two fabulous campaigns: #Teslatakedown & #EverybodyHatesElon. People Power directly taking on the malevolent rich-guy. Tesla sales are slumping, the stock is tanking, the cars are crashing, & being recalled, folks are protesting at Tesla dealerships across the land, it's an all around cluster-fuck. Sort of beautiful to see.

Musk very publicly aligned himself with hard-right, white-supremacist, & blatant-Nazi movements & parties around the globe. He helped Trump get elected with his cold, hard cash and disinformation Machine. He also seems intent on robbing Americans of their Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid. Plus he's destroying other programs & departments that do the good work for hard-working, common people here and around the globe.

Talk about getting out over your skis. So yeah, the pushback has been glorious and furious. Taking things away from Americans is a good way to WAKE THEM THE FUCK UP!

Seems Musk has found himself in the "fuck around & find out phase"of this case-study of implosion. Remember the  Enron Scandal? The scam that magically pancaked?! $ vanished in an instant? How to spell Enron today? TESLA!

What is that smell? Is it fear? Is it fraud? Is that Nazi going to cry? How badly can one very rich guy fuck up his own life and company?  To be continued...

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