Sure, we were concerned about our President now acting as Malevolent King who thinks and acts as if he is above the law. Of course, in our America it is the law that is supposed to be King. And, well, we are hurtling forward to a Constitutional Crisis. I mean, yes, we are already there.
Very soon we will know if we are living in a Democracy or a Dictatorship. Very strange. It looks like it will be up to the Courts to decide. And then, well, does the Wanna Be King ignore the Courts and the Law?! That would be the end of Democracy as we have come to know it. Sad. It would be a terrible way to lose our Country. Lawless, Self-sabotage.
And, yes, well, we do agree with Paul Krugman, USA is now a Rogue Nation. Yikes. Once a champion and model for the rest the world, now a lawless, outlier to be shunned and condemned. Double-yikes.
Still, we chilled. Turned to good music, delicious, healthy, food, a good movie, good books, laughter, and a bit of frolic. We retreated to the safe space inside our heads & imaginations. We were able to detach a bit from the sadness and malevolence. It seems essential in order to survive. We can feel the ground shifting beneath our feet. Sometimes, in the face of the madness, you just need to "go with the flow," keep your head above the swirling waters, and breathe.
Can't help it, we believe we will get thru this dark period, and enter a new phase. Maybe we need to experience the crash, and then emerge into a new light?! Ha. There is that unbeatable, unsinkable lightening flash of Hope zinging thru our bodies. Fuck it. We must carry on. Damn the torpedoes. Not giving up on the Dream, we refuse to succumb to the Nightmare. That's just the way we roll.