Yes. That describes being in a band. Collaborating with a group of musicians. Writing songs, bringing the songs to the room, and then everyone adding their own fire and creativity to the moment. It's thrilling and satisfying when it clicks. My songwriting partner and I are lucky to have a band of musicians of extraordinary talent that we call collaborators. It's been a long-time process. Really a way of life. This creative pursuit. It is our reason to live. A calling. We have played with these folks for years. Our catalog of songs is now nearly 70 songs strong. Not all of them make it to recent sets & gigs. Some songs fall away to the wayside, but we have a good core of material to draw upon; very old songs, fairly new songs and just-hatched songs. Yesterday we tried some brand new compositions, even by the second time thru, you could feel the room shift, a new song was starting to jell. Then we played some very familiar songs and we all "took off." We live for those moments. Pure transcendence. Nothing better. The best drug, the best exerience we know. Riding the massive vibes of 6 musicians giving their all in a little rehearsal room. We all totally lost ourselves in the moments of the music. Epic. Gratifying. Life-affirming. Ego falls away, consciousness falls away, just pure moment. Pure vibe. Therapy for each & everyone of us. The best of us.
whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution
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