whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution

Monday, March 24, 2025

Living with the New American Fascism...

So yeah, living our lives (see two previous posts), you know, getting on with living. We all are here for a short time, shorter by the day. Each day really is precious, even if, sometimes, it doesn't feel that way. Maybe sometimes you have to remind yourself: It's your life, do with it what you want, give it your all, heart, head, spirit. It is your life.

So yeah, that's the main thing. The main theme. Living, getting on with the living. 

The new reality is we are living in a new Fascist America. Surprising. Didn't expect it. Didn't want it. Not happy that it's here. It's truly an ugly nightmare. Not what we voted for, not what we envisioned, not what want we wanted at all. So while we are getting on with the living, doing our best, to be our best, we are also carrying the flame of resistance and opposition inside of us.

This little thread of opposition to the new Fascism runs thru everything we do & think. It's just there now, we are iving with that reality, moment to moment. There is no escape. How does that imperative manifest in our lives? Ha. One person, or two people in an ocean of people? Be perfect in thought, action, spirit. Lean to the light. Be willing to vote, to march, to protest, to boycott, to only support those who are in opposition too. 

The idea: you are one little helpless being in a vast ocean of beings. It has always been so. Still, you are alive. You do, you act, you think, you envision, as best you can. So, yes, living life to the fullest. And opposing, resisting the lawless cruelty, the new gulag, the madness, the hate, the idiocy. Damn the Torpedoes. Imagine a better day and a better way. Refuse the nightmare, cling to the dream. Fuck it.

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