This ad campaign running on the streets of London? Absolutely brilliant. An amazing series of ads. Truly creative and provocative and on-the-money. Darkly-hilarious too. It's from the group Everybody Hates Elon. The good folks in Britain are pretty wised-up on Nazis, and the hard-right, white-supremacy movement. Many still-living humans have vivid memories of bombs raining down on London in World War II. Dark times in the last century.
It's quite the unbuilding the brand idea. Once Tesla's brand ambassodor revealed his Nazi-sympathies, the process of unbuilding, dismantling, destroying the brand took hold. What's great, it's a serious, non-violent, movement. Using advertising is just so elegant & perfect.
It folds in nicely with the Telsa Takedown movement in the USA. Divest from Telsa stock. Sell or trash your Tesla automobile. It's funny the Tesla was the darling of wealthy, environmentally-conscious, progressives in America. Then, Musk revealed himself, and declared war on the "woke mind virus." It turns out that the rich woke-folk were his best customers and investors.
The stock is tanking. The cars are crashing. It became obvious that the stock price and the car company were madly, wildly, super-over-inflated. Sort of a shiny, techy, Ponzi scheme. As someone remarked: "Telsa is no longer a car company, it's a bank for Fascists." Reality is now rearing it's ugly head.
Musk then multiplied the damage by going after Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security programs here in the States. Something about an over-amped billionaire attacking the social safety net of the common folks just doesn't sit right.
How does this all end? Who knows?! It is gratifying to watch the stock price tumble. Can't wait for the next ads to drop. People Power. It is an awesome and inspiring phenomenon.