There are new stories about America's Gulags. Reminiscent of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's experiences in the old Soviet Union's prison system for dissidents.
It's not supposed to happen here.
You know, we supposedly follow the rule of law, the American Constitution, the Bill of Rights. Individuals are guaranteed Due Process, so that their rights are respected, and they are given a fair hearing. We all benefit from this legal, Constitutional Process.
Violate that process, and we all are victimized. Each and every one of us. So yeah, a very clarifying time. This is not my America. The current adminstration is violating the Constitution and the Rule of Law. What happens next?
The Courts are weighing in. Will they hold anyone to account for these violations? Will the people stand up? Will we all take it to the streets, and march & protest? We shall see. Is America too fat & lazy, too distracted, too bored, too cynical, to give a fuck?
Over here, I'm hanging with my little blue bubble crowd, folks who really do still give a fuck. It's clarifying.