whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution

Friday, March 07, 2025

Terror Dome City...

We sipped hot chocolates, made with oatmilk, topped with whip-cream, yesterday afternoon. You have to find joy where you can. We looked out onto the busy street. Lots of activity, mostly young folks navigating the day. We were in a coffeeshop just blocks from a very large, prestigious Midwestern University. This whole town is DEI in action; diversity, equity and inclusion is sort of baked into the community here. Hard to believe that will change anytime soon, even with the autocratic directions from our New Fascist Terror Dome Regime rolling out of D.C.  

My partner looked around at all the fresh faces, most folks wrapped in their own private realms, smartphones in hand, headphones on ears, eyes peeled, Human Beings lost in their own Private Idahos. Floaters across the land. She asked: "Do they know what's happening? Do they care? Are they fighters?" 

Funny questions. Of the moment. And hard to know. Are we sleeping-walking into a certain retrograde, soul-killing Fascism? Do these kids have any clue what they may lose? Our little Democratic experiment is flailing and failing, under assault from lawless billionaires intent on robbing us our our $ and our way of life. 

Fuck. Sure, we have been freaking out. Following along with every malevolent development. We try our best not to panic. But the bad shite is sort of overwhelming. On the street none of that seems evident. Who knows? What happens next? We finished our hot chocolates and headed into the cold reality of the day. Terror Dome City is beckoning. Yikes.

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