Yes. The Swasticar ads popping up on the streets of London are brilliant. Supposedly a group called, "Everyone Hates Elon," dreamed up this fabulous campaign. Those out of the loop might ask: "Why Does Everyone Hate Elon?" That's easy. Being super-rich, coming out as a Nazi, trying to swing elections around the world to hard-right-white-supremacy parties, intent on robbing working folks of their healthcare and social safety-net programs, buddying up and partnering with America's newly-elected Toxic-Tyrant, desiring to rule over all the humans on the planet; well, that just doesn't sit well with some segments of the human population.
There is brand-building, and then there is anti-brand-building. One day this will be an incredible case-study for those interested in pop culture and advertising. A man, and a brand, destroyed by one man's own hubris, arrogance, and self-sabotage. One exuberant Nazi-salute, and the empire of $ started to crack & crumble. Ha. Ha. Ha. The Telsa Takedown is in full swing. People Power in action. Beautiful...