Faux Fu

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Yep. The Best of America is Found in the Big Cities...

Yes. I was born in  Chicago, the City of Big Shoulders. I have been to New York a few times. It makes my big city seem like a very quaint, small town. I LOVE NEW YORK. I remember waiting to meet a friend at Grand Central Station at lunchtime one week-day, and being blown away & overwhelmed by the endless Sea of Humanity that came thru that station. Humanity in all it's glory. Every size, stripe, color, creed, etc. Blew my mind.

If you want to understand the beauty and the power of Democracy in USA, you must go to the big cities in the land to understand what the true melting pot of multi-cultural diversity really means. The best of America is found in the ramshackle, overstuffed cities. No doubt. It is a grand experiment. Amazing.

So yeah, a  big "salacious" trial happened in Manhattan recently. And the obvious, toxic fraud & clown was convicted of 34 felony counts. Unanimous verdict! Which prompted a local sandwich shop to unveil and offer up to the public a new sandwich special.  So funny. Spot on. Like I said: I LOVE NEW YORK!

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