Faux Fu

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


I kind of hate to write this one...

Heat. Right. It is a killer. We all have to try to manage it, and learn how to live with it. We Human Beings should be looking in the mirror, and asking ourselves: "What have we done?"

We have entered a new phase in Human Civilization: Human-made Climate Catastrophe. There is no way of spinning it, or avoiding it. Some folks have been sending out the alarms since the early 70's of the last Century, but really, no one really seemed to be listening. Seems many of us didn't like what the Scientists, the Poets, the Songwriters, the Environmentalists were telling us, so we by and large tuned them out, kept burning fossils fuels and emitting toxic shite into the air. 

To this day we keep throwing Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere making our planet hot. Super-hot.  There is no Deus Ex Machina coming down from the heavens to save our asses. That job was left up to us. We have pretty much failed miserably. Now we are all suffering the consequences. We are making our little Blue Planet uninhabitable. Not very smart. Easy to find the culprits: over-population, industrialization, capitalism, choosing money over love.

What's a Humble Pilgrim to do? I mean, most of these personal actions are pretty pointless. Maybe they make us feel a bit better about ourselves, but really, in the Big Picture, pretty useless.

Still the idea is to try to make it, so: Be careful. Hydrate. Find a cool spot. Remember to consume Electrolytes. Stick to the shade. 

I know all of this sounds paltry, ineffective, maybe even off target but personally we do a few things we think are essential for us as Human Beings who do care: we don't eat meat, we don't own a car, we rarely ever fly anywhere. But we are plugged into the culture. No way to extricate ourselves.

Personal, singular efforts seem pretty futile. Can we, as John Lennon, asserts "Imagine," another world? Another way of being in it? Sure. We can imagine Human Beings acting as the caretakers of the interconnected web of life, acting in the interests of all living beings, acting with good will and intent. Acting collectively for the benefit of all life. But how to "make that happen" in our contentious, fractured reality, on a global scale? Beats me.

We live in the Belly of the Beast. And the Beast is relentlessly altering the wonderful, life-supporting, interconnected web that has birthed us and all the other pretty creatures too.  Not good.  Too hot to handle.

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