Faux Fu

Monday, June 17, 2024

Lessons: Learning & Forgetting...

Life Lessons. 

Funny how you seem to learn the same lessons over and over. Learning and Forgetting. Maybe that is a sign of basic ignorance? Knowing that you don't know is the first sign of intelligence. Some lessons you just don't seem to want to get thru your thick head. Why? There is the power & glory of a determined denial. 

One basic lesson: The Primacy of the Body. I do believe we are all "spiritual beings," and  that spirit resides, and bubbles out from a very here and now body, made up of cells, organs, flesh and bone. You have to learn the limits of a body. Sometimes you forget your limits, you take that body for granted, and that can be catastrophic.

Another basic lesson: We are One Catastrophe from Catastrophe. Hard to get around this one. Hard to plan for Catastrophe. Often, maybe even usually, this Catatrophic Event will come out of left field, and confront you when you least expect it. You know it's Catastrophe that you can't foresee, or predict. You just don't see it coming, until it smacks you upside the head. It can be a major Catastrophe, or a tiny one. Sometimes the tiny one is just as life-altering as the major one.

If you are lucky enough to make it beyond the Catastrophe, you have to adjust, improvise, reconstitute, rethink, take remedial action, absorb & try to heal. It's all part of being a Human Being. Yes. We all must deal with the deal. That's the deal.

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