On the other hand, I think that fast and loose approach has often been a fruitful method. I come up with funny, surprising ideas, I write lyrics, and create riffs and chord changes that become songs. I often surprise myself with the results. For me, it is a very creatively-useful way to try to short-circuit my conscious mind, and slip into the vast pool of creative-unconsciousness. Living, thinking, writing, playing, speaking intuitively.
I mean, it's a powerful tool, but also a double-edged sword. You can try it at home, but be on-guard. Use carefully & wisely little Grasshopper.
"I agree, a Caregiver is a noble, worthy profession. Being a crutch for someone, not so much. So yeah, I hear you. There is only so much care you can give to others. You do have to save some of that care for yourself. It's the only healthy, correct choice. You don't really want to fall into the "don't care" club. It sucks there. Bunch of assholes.
I sent a message to a great friend, and a trusted confidante yesterday. One passage just spilled out as I was typing. I quote it now, I think it's surprisingly good & true: