Faux Fu

Friday, June 07, 2024

The Near and Not the Far...

It's weird. Some days all seems fine. Especially if I focus on the near and not the far. My simplified life. It's filled with diversions & obsessions. You know, music, coffee, dogs. Those things pretty much fill up my day to day.

And, I am in good shape if I discipline my teetering, roving mind: don't think too far back, or too far forward.

But then, the wider world seeps into my consciousness. Can't help getting the feeling that my Country, our Culture, the Human Population writ large is seriously off-course. Our planet is overstuffed, getting hotter, and the good people seem to be grappling with small & big madnesses.

$ and Corruption of all kinds seems to have invaded all of our major institutions. It's so weird to think that living a good, simple life is actually out of step with the wider world.

I am not cynical, not giving up. I lean to the light, I celebrate beauty, love, compassion, democracy, music, poetry, drama, good feeling. So weird, I feel like a Human Being so "out of time." An outlier. On the margins. Swimming against the raging rivers of our time. 

Sure, I look for good news everyday. It's out there to be discovered, but you have wade thru so much crap, idiocy, bad faith, bad blood. Human Beings lately seem to be acting like total assholes in every damn realm.

The morning soundtrack: "Avalon"  - Roxy Music (1982). Shimmering beauty. A mirage of dynamic vibration. A dream. An ideal.

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