whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution

Saturday, January 18, 2025

It Will Be Bad, How Bad Can it Get?

Slouching Towards the Badlands...

It is/was a choice. Now the question: How Bad will it get? Who knows?! Maybe we think of this as a test? A detour on our little Journey of Life? An episode of deep fucked-up-ness, a self-imposed clusterfuck that we all have to endure because some of our fellow citizens just didn't know better, or just didn't give a fuck, or are happy to ride head-on into the Land of Bad?

You know, this is where the narrative takes a decidedly dark & deeply wrong turn, the worst of the worst will soon (Monday), take the the wheel, and the rest of us, the teeming millions, will be in the back seat hanging on for dear life.  Will it be the corruption? The greed? The cruelty? The stone-cold stupidity? The impossibility of acknowledging any and every semblence of truth? Which force and trend will be super-predominant? Or will it be a grand combo shit-sandwich of all of those deplorable tendencies & inclinations?

What will be going thru our heads? Thoughts of resistance. Being obstacles to the new vibe. Revolution in the Head. Imagining who will emerge as Champions for Democracy, Good Goverment, Good Cheer, the Brotherhood & Sisterhood of Humanity. 

I, for one, will be looking out the back window of that careening vehicle of audacity & corruption, and dreaming of a Better Day & a Better Way. And then, finally, when that toxic clown car comes to a crashing halt, stumbling out onto the pavement, rolling up my sleeves and getting back to the reality of hard work, common sense, gravity and decency.

Getting thru the Bad, riding out the Worst of the Worst, leaning to the light, keeping my head clear & yes, of course, Damn the Torpedoes... 

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