How did Darwin get so smart?!
He observed and studied Nature. He used Nature as the great teacher. His brilliant insight: All Life on the Planet Evolves, all Life on the Planet is connected & related. We live in an interconnected web of life. The Diversity of Life is magnificent and essential. Anyway, in the post Darwin expounds on Imagination & Empathy. How to expand your mind? Imagine other worlds, other beings, put yourself in "someone else's shoes." Read poetry, listen to music. Immerse yourself in the imaginative, creative Arts. Empathy is a super-power which enhances Life.
I laughed out loud when I came across Darwin's description of the variability of the Human Herd: “from absolute imbecility to high excellence...” Sure, in my book Darwin would be in the high excellence side of the equation.
I wonder if you can guess who comes to mind in the absoltue imbecility side of the equation? A little hint: a super-toxic individual dominating the news lately, and, you know, dominating in not a good way... funny, but true, how did we all fall under the spell of such an Absolute Imbecile?