whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution
Friday, January 31, 2025
Stupid, Nasty, Brutish...
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Imbecility & Excellence...
I laughed out loud when I came across Darwin's description of the variability of the Human Herd: “from absolute imbecility to high excellence...” Sure, in my book Darwin would be in the high excellence side of the equation.
I wonder if you can guess who comes to mind in the absoltue imbecility side of the equation? A little hint: a super-toxic individual dominating the news lately, and, you know, dominating in not a good way... funny, but true, how did we all fall under the spell of such an Absolute Imbecile?
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
This is a Test...
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
The Vibe = Deeply-Dark...
Monday, January 27, 2025
Bold, Decisive & Dumb...
Sunday, January 26, 2025
It's Uncanny...
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Name Your Poison...
Friday, January 24, 2025
The Truth = A Lasting Stain & Black Mark...
The Truth hurts. Some folks (MAGA & the GOP), want to "memory hole" this truth, but we should never, ever forget. We should not turn our eyes away. Who were those January 6th rioters (Heather Cox Richardson), who "Cretin in Chief" just pardoned? The Cretin and his apologists own this atrocity. It is a lasting stain and black mark on our country.
Ryan J. Reilly of NBC News explained that rioters wounded more than 140 officers with “firearms, stun guns, flagpoles, fire extinguishers, bike racks, batons, a metal whip, office furniture, pepper spray, bear spray, a tomahawk ax, a hatchet, a hockey stick, knuckle gloves, a baseball bat, a massive ‘Trump’ billboard, ‘Trump’ flags, a pitchfork, pieces of lumber, crutches and even an explosive device.”Three federal judges have weighed in on the pardons after Trump’s appointees in the Department of Justice ordered them to dismiss pending cases against current January 6 defendants, an order that, as David Kurtz of Talking Points Memo noted, “flies in the face of decades of DOJ independence.”
U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly summed up the judges’ outrage when she wrote: “Dismissal of charges, pardons after convictions, and commutations of sentences will not change the truth of what happened on January 6, 2021. What occurred that day is preserved for the future through thousands of contemporaneous videos, transcripts of trials, jury verdicts, and judicial opinions analyzing and recounting the evidence through a neutral lens. Those records are immutable and represent the truth, no matter how the events of January 6 are described by those charged or their allies.”
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Top Ten Bad & Stupid Ideas...
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Deep Political Nihilism - Welcome to the Terror Dome...
Under no circumstances do I think pardoning the violent criminals who beat police officers on January 6, 2021, and who attacked the U.S. Capitol to try to stop a "peaceful transfer of power," is acceptable. It is vile, corrupt, despicable. A total gut-punch to anyone who respects the Rule of Law & Justice in America. It is a black mark, a stain, on my beloved Country. This is not a Democrat vs Republican thing. We have now reached a level of deep political nihilism I just didn't think was possible. WTF. I am usually quite the optimistic & hopeful sort, but this is just a terrible, unconscionable action by a clearly corrupt & morally bankrupt man. Dark days are here.
More here from Heather Cox Richardson: "Trump’s blanket pardons signal to his MAGA base that the judicial system that tried to hold him—and them—accountable is corrupt and that he will protect those who fight for him in the streets. But those pardons do not appear to have popular support.
At the same time, Trump is demonstrating that he intends to create a country dominated by the right-wing, white men who supported him. It is not clear that that intent is any more popular than his pardons for the January 6 rioters."
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
A Mockery of the Things We Hold Dear...
Monday, January 20, 2025
A Protest of Silence...
The point is this: Trump ran a campaign based entirely on lies, and his victory doesn’t make those lies true. No, the price of bacon didn’t quadruple or quintuple. No, America isn’t experiencing a vast wave of crime driven by immigrants.
Many people and institutions should and I hope will engage in soul-searching over why those lies succeeded — Democratic strategists, of course, but also news organizations and for that matter anyone trying to inform the public, myself included.
But you should resist the temptation to engage in truthwashing, a close cousin to the sanewashing that may not have been decisive but certainly helped Trump win.
I see that temptation all around — commentators who want to seem relevant starting to say “Well, maybe Trump has a point about migrant crime/seizing Greenland/annexing Canada/whatever.” Before going there, look at yourself in the mirror.
Also, it won’t get you anywhere. Trump and MAGA in general aren’t going to cut you any slack for showing weakness and compromising your principles. They only want demonstrably horrible people. To be part of the inner circle you must have engaged in behavior that led to accusations of being a substance abuser, a sexual abuser or verifiably corrupt — preferably all three. I wish that were hyperbole, but anyone following, say, the Hegseth nomination knows that it isn’t.
So keep calling out lies, even if — especially if — they’re coming from people in power. I’d like to promise that the truth will win in the end, but I can’t. All I can promise is that those who continue to tell the truth as they see it will find it easier to live with themselves than those who don’t." - Paul Krugman
Sunday, January 19, 2025
The Scam is his Way of Life...
Saturday, January 18, 2025
It Will Be Bad, How Bad Can it Get?
Friday, January 17, 2025
The River of Lies...
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Nope. It's Now All Bad Behavior...
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
"The Offense Most Flagrant, the Public Harm the Greatest, And the Proof the Most Certain..." - Special Prosecutor Jack Smith...
Read it and weep my friends...
Monday, January 13, 2025
We Find Purpose and Value In Our Lives...
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Devastating Tragedy, Unfortunately, Not Surprising in the Least...
"The planet’s record-high average temperature last year reflected the weekslong, 104-degree-Fahrenheit spring heat waves that shuttered schools in Bangladesh and India. It reflected the effects of the bathtub-warm ocean waters that supercharged hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and cyclones in the Philippines. And it reflected the roasting summer and fall conditions that primed Los Angeles this week for the most destructive wildfires in its history."
Saturday, January 11, 2025
To Be Against...
Friday, January 10, 2025
Felon One Day, Prez the Next, It's America...
Making History. Felon tomorrow (Ha! That's today!). President on the 20th. You gotta hand it to that guy. That's the ticket: Full on corruption & Fascism, baby! You know, as they say, "Do the crime, do the time," but surprisingly, the Supremes have made an exception for this class of Felon. Instead of being carted off, we get him front and center for the next four years. "God help us!"
Thursday, January 09, 2025
Wednesday, January 08, 2025
Curating the Playlist...
Tuesday, January 07, 2025
A Major Fail, All Around...
Monday, January 06, 2025
Yes. Off the Rails...
Sunday, January 05, 2025
Dooming on the Coming Fuckery...
Saturday, January 04, 2025
Truth. The Breakfast of Champions.
Friday, January 03, 2025
Let's Try...
America in 2025: "Let's try Fascism on for size."
Hmmm.... wonder how that's gonna work out? Who will be the champions for Democracy? Looks like we are in for a bumpy ride...
Thursday, January 02, 2025
2025 - Let the Fleeing Begin...
I'm doing the Gypsy thing to start 2025. Going from a classic, old world mansion to a shiny new, modernistic mansion. Packing my little bag, getting ready to flee. I'm one of those little people who does lots of schlepping and fleeing. I have delusions of grandeur, thinking I too could be a mover & shaker, but, really, I am one of those who gets moved and shaken. It's just reality, baby.
I am armed with the essentials to take it "on the road." Trusty Grado headphones, Sony Walkman, little spinning CDs, a Mr. Coffee grinder, a couple choice bags of killer coffee beans, a Chromebook, a couple changes of clothes, a hat, sweaters, coats. And, my shining, sunny, personality. Of course, just like anyone else, I am always riding a rollercoaster of emotion.
I think 2025 is gonna be one of those years full of reality. Reality we either face up to honestly or dishonestly. Seems the evil-doers, the bad ones, the liars, the cheats, the racist shit-stirrers, the shameless arrogant assholes, are on the ascendant. It grinds against my optimism and hope. So yeah, there is a tension built-into my anticipation, and plans for a new year.
My plans? Keep my head in the game. Be totally present: alive, aware, awake at all times. See clearly. Breathe deeply. Keep a healthy dispostition: easy to laugh, flexible, ready to improv, light on my feet, open to possibilities. Don't let the darkness around me swamp me. Move and shake with the best of them even in my tiny corner. Damn the torpedoes.
Wednesday, January 01, 2025
An Eerie Backdrop...
Blog Archive
- Stupid, Nasty, Brutish...
- Imbecility & Excellence...
- This is a Test...
- The Vibe = Deeply-Dark...
- Bold, Decisive & Dumb...
- It's Uncanny...
- Name Your Poison...
- The Truth = A Lasting Stain & Black Mark...
- Top Ten Bad & Stupid Ideas...
- Deep Political Nihilism - Welcome to the Terror Do...
- A Mockery of the Things We Hold Dear...
- A Protest of Silence...
- The Scam is his Way of Life...
- It Will Be Bad, How Bad Can it Get?
- The River of Lies...
- A Note...
- Nope. It's Now All Bad Behavior...
- "The Offense Most Flagrant, the Public Harm the Gr...
- We Find Purpose and Value In Our Lives...
- Devastating Tragedy, Unfortunately, Not Surprising...
- To Be Against...
- Felon One Day, Prez the Next, It's America...
- Vanishing...
- Curating the Playlist...
- A Major Fail, All Around...
- Yes. Off the Rails...
- Dooming on the Coming Fuckery...
- Truth. The Breakfast of Champions.
- Let's Try...
- 2025 - Let the Fleeing Begin...
- An Eerie Backdrop...