Faux Fu

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Maybe Clarity is Just Beyond the Horizon?

Like a fly caught in a spider's web, I am a very Human Being caught between two ideas: Make Sense & Stop Making Sense (hat-tip to David Byrne & Talking Heads).

Often, especially lately, the Chaos that seems to float around in the Universe takes center-stage. Strange phenomena, odd occurances, unfathomable chains of action, seem to roll out with an active sense-destroying force.

One ends up befuddled, gobsmacked, at loose ends; unsure, uncertain. One casts around for an explanation and, well, everything one lands upon seems inadequate. Common-sense appears so very tattered, humble and well, base & common.

My sense-making ability seems to be flagging & faltering, so I naturally reach out to my stop making sense ability. Maybe best to let go the wheel, float for awhile? No snap judgements, no quick emotional outbursts or decisions? You know, bide some time?

The Sea of Possiblity. The Sea of Uncertainty. Sure. Yes. Float. Keep one's head above the water. Breathe slowly & deeply. Paddle. Hang in there. Maybe clarity is just beyond the horizon? Or a life-raft will magically appear? Hmmm... hope dies last...

The morning soundtrack for this post? No, it's not Talking Heads, it's The Clash. As I write I am listening to their bold and inspiring double-album masterpiece, "London Calling." (1979). Still powerful, over-stuffed, funny, brilliant, fiery, & absolutely relevant? Yes. Indeed. And it makes a certain gnarly, hard-earned, sense too.

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