Faux Fu

Monday, May 27, 2024

Life Simplified...

 A life-long, trusted friend, relation, and influential and fabulous person in my life, in conversation a couple days ago, said to me on a phone call: "My life is dogs & coffee!"  I replied: "Same!"

I suppose in retrospect I'd add music to the mix. Sure my day to day is stuffed with other things, but those are my lodestones, or maybe my lodestars. I think it does help to try to simply one's life. We are complicated and tricky. Reality is too. We all need a little bit of space, clarity & simplicity.

So, yes, for me, life simplified means little furry, four-legged creatures of all shapes, sizes and demeanors. They are all good buddies. They are all so happy to see me. It's hard to resist the unconditional love, attention and loyalty.

And I'm all about the perfect coffee brew. A variety of beans well-tended. I have own special coffee mug, my special grinder. It's a ritual and, I suppose a religion.  The brewing, the drinking, the adenaline flooding thru my body. A morning necessity. Yes. It's a deep addiction too. It is one that I can't imagine living without. It transforms me every day from Dumps to Sunny.

And music? What to say? From a young age, music, especially of the r&r variety has filled the air around me. It is a passion. A religion. A way of life. A way of being. Notes. Chords. Voices. I take my music very seriously. Serious enjoyment. I always have music on the box, or in my headphones. I sing and play guitar myself, and it's a mission, a devotion, a deep practice. Everything else falls away when I am listening or playing. 

So, yes, a simplified life, but chock-full. No doubt.

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