whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Puzzles, Answers, Wonders...
Monday, December 30, 2024
Garden, Gardener...
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Simple & Complex, The Human Math...
Saturday, December 28, 2024
An Outlier...
Friday, December 27, 2024
Burn the Cash at the 50 Yard Line...
Thursday, December 26, 2024
For those Hypnotized by $!
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Random Xmas Morning Thoughts...
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Science in Action...
We talk about the "scientific method," around here. We believe in it. And use it. Sometimes it's not the most efficient way to live, but it seems to keep us grounded, closer to the real; open-ended & open-minded. We start with an attitude of humility, possibility, and wonder. If I were to distill our own personal version of the scientific method in action it would be like so: "Who knows?! I mean, fuck, why don't we try it, and see what happens?" Sure. There are some dead-ends, some chasing rabbits down rabbit-holes, lots of knocking our heads against barriers, and hard, unblinking, realities. We don't know what we don't know. Then sometimes, with a bit of improv & experimentation, and pure, dumb, luck, we come to a sort of tentative understanding. Some hard-earned, hard-won, knowledge knocks on our foreheads. Seems that sometimes we even actually learn something, and we get shit done. Funny, but true. Real-world, amateur-scientists, fumbling around, out in the wild.
Monday, December 23, 2024
The Wealthy are Skating...
Michael Bloomberg managed to do the same in recent years. Billionaire investor Carl Icahn did it twice. George Soros paid no federal income tax three years in a row."
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Under the Thumbs & Boots of the Billionaire Class...
I think Josh Marshall of TPM gets it right... "To wrap it all together you also have the gobs of public time and attention and resources lit on fire by the tantrums, egomania and sundry character disorders of people like Donald Trump and Elon Musk because that’s a central feature of billionairedom: the rules don’t apply to you. Things most of us had to get straight with when we were in our 20s, because we live in the real world, guys like Elon Musk have magnified 100-fold by their 50s because the rules don’t apply to them.
Needless to say, it’s not great. But it really is tailor made for a politics focused on being the defense of ordinary Americans living on a budget."
Saturday, December 21, 2024
The Greedy Heart is a Prodigious Thing, Indeed...
Friday, December 20, 2024
The MAGA Creeps are Flailing...
Thursday, December 19, 2024
The Billionaires are Getting Surly...
Ok... another "know your history post,' (see previous post).
The incredibly wealthy amongst us, the billionaires in our midst, seem to be seriously drunk on their money and power. They are now out in force, and they are at war with Goverment of, and by, the People. Suddenly the little people, the common ones, the working stiffs, you know, basically the rest of us, those who actually do the day to day work that keeps the economy humming along, are under attack. Seems those super-weatlhy folks aren't content unless they can Lord over the rest of us. Think: Hubris, Arrogance, Belligerance. These are not nice folks, they are not as smart as they think they are either. Many of them are actually drug-infused and brain addled. Certainly, most of them seem to be saddled with egos of mammoth proportions. Not healthy people. They are part of the new shameless, empowered asshole class. Maybe we are in the "fuck around & find out"phase of the story. Even the super-wealthy & super-powerful can push things too far. They have conveniently forgotten that it actually takes a village to make a billionaire. When the villagers finally wake up, things could get very interesting.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
I Bet this Story Gets Worse...
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
No Idea...
Monday, December 16, 2024
A Hidey-Hole...
Sunday, December 15, 2024
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Philosophy in Action...
Yes... well... being philosophical: "If you are philosophical in your reaction to something that is not satisfactory, you accept it calmly and without anger, understanding that failure and disappointment are a part of life."
I suppose it's all a matter of degrees. How to be be calm and clear, not angry about "something not satisfactory." Is it a good idea? A healthy way to live?
Seems like a test and a challenge and contrary to our audacious pop culture credo of having everything all the time. Accepting failure and disappointment; is it just being an intelligent person, or an abdication, a giving up, a giving in?
There is a Universe of "not satisfactory," shite out there. It is the ocean we swim in, the air we breathe. We endure the slings & arrows of outrageous fortune, and keep on going. That's philosophy in action.
Friday, December 13, 2024
We Turn to Art...
This is all so familiar to my partner and I. Disappointed in the Human Game, in the turn of events, in the long, ragged, jagged journey of our species. Humans are very tricky and complicated. And it gets weird & ugly at times.
What is our fall back? Our go-to mode? Art.
We both sink into music, books, film, poetry. We create. We are always conjuring up new dreams, fantastical ideas, crazy-ass adventures in our heads. Always working on new songs. Writing new lyrics. Recording demos with our little digital recorder. Sinking into, and living in, a swirling creative pool.
We seem always be in the mind of discovery. Always on the search and lookout. Turning to other artists for inspiration. We surround ourselves, bury ourselves deeply other worlds & minds, in the creative soup of life. So, yes, I suppose dark times can lead to creative breakthroughs. We truly do need to create to live. No joke. Almost as essential as the air we breathe, the water and food we take into our bodies.
We truly live it. It is not some grand ego trip. It's a humble way forward. Leaning into the poetry and rythmn of life. Our feet on the ground, our heads in the clouds. The real work, the soul work, the spirit work. "All that glitters is not gold..." Yes. Indeed. Damn the torpedoes...
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Humbled & Resigned...
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
"The Secret of the Prima Materia..."
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Shame on the Humans...
Monday, December 09, 2024
Speakers in the Room...
Sunday, December 08, 2024
The Birth of Pop Culture = Beatles '64...
Saturday, December 07, 2024
Crisis this Morning...
Friday, December 06, 2024
Pop Culture References...
Thursday, December 05, 2024
Yes... Coffee & Music...
Wednesday, December 04, 2024
Good News from South Korea...
Tuesday, December 03, 2024
The Void of Madness...
Monday, December 02, 2024
How Do I Sleep at Night?!
Sunday, December 01, 2024
Bleak, Stupid & Unnecessay...
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Entering the Corrupt & Stupid Era...
Friday, November 29, 2024
A Day of Indulging...
Thursday, November 28, 2024
The Merry-Go-Round...
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
My Upside?!
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Prescient & Relevant. Yikes.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Sunday, November 24, 2024
The Double-Edged Nature...
Saturday, November 23, 2024
A New & Improved Human?! Nope...
Friday, November 22, 2024
The Way of Losing...
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Let's Stop Gaslighting Ourselves...
"I don’t have a specific plan of action for our purported leaders. I do have the following observation: If you are saying that Donald Trump won a free and fair election, you are lying to yourself."
Donald Trump tried to overthrow the government by staying in the presidency after he lost an election. That is the very definition of committing insurrection against the lawful government of the United States. The 14th amendment was adopted specifically to bar people like Donald Trump — insurrectionists — from holding federal office.
This little detail has seemingly gone down the national memory hole, so eager are we all to tell ourselves stories in order to live."
Shame on them. Does anyone still believe in shame? And shame on us too.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Mass Delusion... Yes... Indeed...
"Mr. Trump’s voters are granted a level of care and coddling that defies credulity and that is afforded to no other voting bloc. Many of them believe the most ludicrous things: babies being aborted after birth and children going to school as one gender and returning home surgically altered as another gender even though these things simply do not happen. Time and again, we hear the wild lies these voters believe and we act as if they are sharing the same reality as ours, as if they are making informed decisions about legitimate issues. We act as if they get to dictate the terms of political engagement on a foundation of fevered mendacity.
We must refuse to participate in a mass delusion. We must refuse to accept that the ignorance on display is a congenital condition rather than a choice. All of us should refuse to pretend that any of this is normal and that these voters are just woefully misunderstood and that if only the Democrats addressed their economic anxiety, they might vote differently. While they are numerous, that does not make them right.
These are adults, so let us treat them like adults. Let us acknowledge that they want to believe nonsense and conjecture. They want to believe anything that affirms their worldview. They want to celebrate a leader who allows them to nurture their basest beliefs about others. The biggest challenge of our lifetime will be figuring out how to combat the American willingness to embrace flagrant misinformation and bigotry."
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
All in One Place...
On October 20, Peter Baker wrote a rare comprehensive story on Trump’s alleged and convicted crimes.
His businesses went bankrupt repeatedly and multiple others failed. He was taken to court for stiffing his vendors, stiffing his bankers and even stiffing his own family. He avoided the draft during the Vietnam War and avoided paying any income taxes for years. He was forced to shell out tens of millions of dollars to students who accused him of scamming them, found liable for wide-scale business fraud and had his real estate firm convicted in criminal court of tax crimes.
He has boasted of grabbing women by their private parts, been reported to have cheated on all three of his wives and been accused of sexual misconduct by more than two dozen women, including one whose account was validated by a jury that found him liable for sexual abuse after a civil trial.
He is the only president in American history impeached twice for high crimes and misdemeanors, the only president ever indicted on criminal charges and the only president to be convicted of a felony (34, in fact). He used the authority of his office to punish his adversaries and tried to hold onto power on the basis of a brazen lie.
Mr. Trump beat some of the investigations and lawsuits against him and some proved unfounded, but the sheer volume is remarkable.
Monday, November 18, 2024
We are Not Wrong...
Yes. Something clicked for me over the weekend. Saturday, we plunged into other things. Playing music with our band. Sinking into the process of songwriting, and then bringing those songs to a small group of accomplished musicians. We all needed to do it. Desperately. We lost ourselves in the creating.
Then, later that evening we rode our bikes to a little storefront place (see previous post), and plunged into the good vibes of a ramshackle collection of souls, a loose community of seekers of good vibes, good music, and moments of glimmering transcendence.
It dawned on me that yes, of course, we live in a Blue Bubble, a place very different from other parts of the country, but we wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I truly believe we are on the right track. This is our America. It is the right place, the right time, the right stance, the way to live. It's a welcoming, open-armed and open-hearted place; a multi-cultural stew of Humanity. It's a beautiful thing, indeed.
Over here the policies are inclusion, non-discrimination, good cheer, smart conversation, a compassion and an empathy that rides inside everyone's hearts. We do have it figured out. Our side may have lost the election by the slimmest of threads to the forces of unreason, hatred, division, BUT WE ARE NOT WRONG. Our instincts, our policies, our politics, are correct.
We are on the path of soul.
So, yeah, you know, a new Manifesto. It's a Manifesto of Love & Creativity. We have to navigate around the coming Tyranny. Do our best to tune that evil, death-generating shite out, to keep our heads and hearts in the game. There is no place for despondency, there is no giving up. We are on the right side of history. No doubt. There may be dark times ahead, but we will gather together, and bring & bathe in, the Light.
This is just a little detour, a setback, a wake-up call.
Sunday, November 17, 2024
This is How to Do It...
Saturday, November 16, 2024
Here's a Good Question...
Friday, November 15, 2024
Turn to Wisdom...
Thursday, November 14, 2024
The HIlarity Phase...
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Re-Think, Re-imagine...
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
The Worst & the Dimmest...
We have been on a downward spiral over here. Feeling like David Byrne's character: "I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax."
Plus, feeling really down in the dumps.
What is it all about? The reality that our politics has taken a sharp turn away from reason. You know we are now in the Age of Unreason: crazy, stupid, fierce, unhappy, flailing. Every day we hear about the projected new, incoming administration. The usual deplorable suspects. The major assholes have been victorious and they are on the rise. Not the "Best & the Brightest," instead "The Worst and the Dimmest."
It is totally disheartening. Mass Deportation is not a good idea. Climate Catastrophe is real and will have consequences for all living things on the planet. Climate Change Denialism is total madness writ large.
Talk about the Dark Ages. We will be taking major steps backwards into madness, ignorance, corruption, idiocy, bad-blood, bad deeds. Yes Fascism on the rise. What a waste of time, energy, and human potential. Is there an upside? Probably not. It's looking like that kind of self-sabotaging tragedy.
Monday, November 11, 2024
It's the "I'm with Corruptly-Stupid Election..."
Sunday, November 10, 2024
I Turn to Other Voices...
Assessing and recalibrating. There is no sense in beating up ourselves, or turning on our allies. The election of a deeply corrupt, criminal, billionaire, with no morals, no conscience, no respect for the Truth, the Constitution or The Rule of Law has deep & disburbing consequences for all of us on the planet.
Authoritarians like Trump love fear, defeatism, surrender. Do not give them what they want

I was asked to talk about hope. First of all, hope does not mean saying this is not bad, and it does not mean saying that we can defeat it. It just means saying we will keep showing up. That we will not give up. That we will assess our powers and weaknesses and recognise that the future we face looks grim, but we do not know how it will unfold, and neither do those we oppose. How it will unfold depends in no small part on what we do. People too often think hope is smiles and sunshine, when it’s fury in the face of danger and oppression, and pressing on in the storm.
More here: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/nov/09/authoritarians-like-trump-love-fear-defeatism-surrender-do-not-give-them-what-they-want
Blog Archive
- Puzzles, Answers, Wonders...
- Garden, Gardener...
- Simple & Complex, The Human Math...
- An Outlier...
- Burn the Cash at the 50 Yard Line...
- For those Hypnotized by $!
- Random Xmas Morning Thoughts...
- Science in Action...
- The Wealthy are Skating...
- Under the Thumbs & Boots of the Billionaire Class...
- The Greedy Heart is a Prodigious Thing, Indeed...
- The MAGA Creeps are Flailing...
- The Billionaires are Getting Surly...
- I Bet this Story Gets Worse...
- No Idea...
- A Hidey-Hole...
- Empowering...
- Philosophy in Action...
- We Turn to Art...
- Humbled & Resigned...
- "The Secret of the Prima Materia..."
- Shame on the Humans...
- Speakers in the Room...
- The Birth of Pop Culture = Beatles '64...
- Crisis this Morning...
- Pop Culture References...
- Yes... Coffee & Music...
- Good News from South Korea...
- The Void of Madness...
- How Do I Sleep at Night?!
- Bleak, Stupid & Unnecessay...
- Entering the Corrupt & Stupid Era...
- A Day of Indulging...
- The Merry-Go-Round...
- My Upside?!
- Prescient & Relevant. Yikes.
- Re-prioritizing...
- The Double-Edged Nature...
- A New & Improved Human?! Nope...
- The Way of Losing...
- Let's Stop Gaslighting Ourselves...
- Mass Delusion... Yes... Indeed...
- All in One Place...
- We are Not Wrong...
- This is How to Do It...
- Here's a Good Question...
- Turn to Wisdom...
- The HIlarity Phase...
- Re-Think, Re-imagine...
- The Worst & the Dimmest...
- It's the "I'm with Corruptly-Stupid Election..."
- I Turn to Other Voices...