The other creepy billionaire hasn't even been sworn in yet, and already the MAGA creeps are flailing. Seems we are heading towards the disaster phase of USA, you know the "fuck around and find out" period of our history.
Living in the USA. It promises to be a wild ride. Not necessarily a fun one. Although, I am beginning to think there will be a very entertaining side to this unfolding, unholy, spectacle: watching the MAGAs, & the amped up billionaires, make total hash of everything. Sure they are rich and powerful, but it seems they are also toxic, clueless, incompetant clowns.
Sure, we will all suffer the consequences, but there might be some dead-bounce laughter amidst the tears. It will be obvious who owns this clusterfuck.
Sure, it's a meager silver lining. Being proven right, as the ship of state teeters over the edge is cold comfort. But, who knows, maybe this will all shake out, maybe it's a necessary cleanse? Pushed to the breaking point, and then cooler, smarter heads wake up, the worm turns and we get back to actually trying run a real goverment with folks who know what they are doing? Hope dies last.