whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

My Upside?!

Since that thing that happened, I have been struggling to come up with an upside. I feel so of out of tune with the moment, at least the political moment, and maybe also dare I say,  I am on the wrong side of history? If indeed the USA is making a dark turn to an authoritarian-type dystopia, I am experiencing major dissonance with the prevailing symphony, and I am quietly brushing up on my stance & attitude of alienation & dissent. I am up for a life of resist, obstruct, & resist some more in my own little corner of the world. I can do alienation & gnarliness with the best of them.

Here's my upside: all the grifters, con-men (& women), looters & pillagers of the public coffers, corrupters & crooks, incompetants, right-wing numbskulls, wanna-be-nazis, souped-up christian-nationlists, the evil-doers, the oppressors, the suppressors, the forces of a retrograde debauchery, lawless power grabbers, will be in one place, one administration. They will be very public, hopefully under the microscope, that is if the rest of us just bear witness. We must keep engaged, alive, aware, awake & always vigilent. We will see & catalog all of their dastardly bad acts of destruction, division & chaos. We will keep count, a running total, of the lies, the crimes, the bad deeds.

As per usual, let's just assume, for the sake of argument, that we can cling to a certain, totally under stress per usual; if history is to be our guide, someone else, the next adminstration, the next President & their Cabinet, will be a good government, Democractic-type adminstraiton, that will come in, try to clean up, put the shattered pieces back together, get back to the business of the public good, dedicate themselves to honesty, integrity, good government, the rule of law, justice, etc. I mean, hell, one can only hope.

And it has been a trend. Just check the history books. Of course, nothing can be taken for granted. We may have taken a deadly turn. As Joe Strummer once said: "The Future is Unwritten." That could be a good, or a bad thing. Who knows?!

The midterms are two years away. Next Presidential election is in 2028. Seems like a very, very long, probably very rocky and disheartening interval of time. It may seem like a lifetime, an eternity, but really, lately, time does seem to fly by. Wonder if we will all be around to see it?! I do hope so, I'd like to get back in-tune with a better day & a better way. Fuck. I mean, shite & damn the torpedoes.

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