John Lilly talked to dolphins, he wrote a book, and they made a movie about it starring the great George C. Scott. I grew up watching "Flipper" ("Lassie" with a blow hole!) and well, I have no problem with the idea that dolphins possess some kind of advanced intelligence. The Lovely Carla is convinced, and repeatedly reminds me, that animals are smarter than people. Every time I pick up a copy of the NY Times and start surfing the pages, I can't really dispute her contention.
So anyway, we have to look out for the good stories that are out there too. I'd say this dolphin, dubbed "Moko" by New Zealand beach folk, is some kind of hero. Saving beached pygmy whales is certainly cool, and I'm sure the dolphin could have spent the time doing other dolphin things, but this kind creature expended time and energy to help out some distressed beings. Sometimes you realize we truly do live in a strange and wonderful world. Maybe we can all learn something from our finned brothers and sisters.