Faux Fu

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Sing, Laugh, Love, Play...

"Who is gonna save us?"

Ha. No one. We are on our own. We have always been on our own. We have to muddle thru our own way. It's a bit disconcerting. You may think that maybe there is a higher power that will guide us, lend us a hand, pull us up on our feet, dust us off, wish us well.  

Nope. Not gonna happen. 

I mean, maybe there is a Higher Power, but it is not concerned with us. Think of the Universe. It's big, it's got other stuff to do. We are just a tiny energy in a vast ocean of energy.

That could be a total buzz-kill. Waiting for a Saviour to swoop down, and make everything right. A fairy tale. Why isn't the Universe about me? Well it just isn't. You are about you.

That's the "reality," of the situation. Let's call it the Human Condition. We are all just Human Beings, stuck on a planet of other Human Beings. None of us have fucking clue, really. We are all pretty much making it up as we go. 

The Life You Save, Will Be Saved By You. But don't let it go to your head. Start with the idea that you know nothing. Be humble, inquisitive, improvisational. And, well, reach out to your fellow Humans, not looking for saving, but looking for fellow travellers, collaborators, lovers & friends.

It really should be liberating, right?! You make Life, you make your  own Life, your own? There are a few guiding principles, they are open-ended, and partial, but they are useful:

Lean to the Light.
Keep your feet on the ground.
Fuck Fear.
Damn the Torpedoes.
Keep your head.
Keep calm, carry on.
Experience Life, don't try to Solve it.
Do the best you can. 
Be kind, gentle, humble.
Listen to Nature. 
Be fucking real.
Sing, Laugh, Love, Play.

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