That's the human dliemma right there.
We are connected to everything. And, as per Jean Paul Satre, we are also responsible for everything that happens in the human realm. Repsonsible, and on the hook, for even the the things we don't have any control over. That seems like an impossible conundrum and a hard nut to crack.
Yes, indeed, it is.
Bob Marley once sang: "So much trouble in the world." Yes. Always. Much of it is our own doing. Humanity's Inhumanity to Humanity is legend. Nature is taking it's revenge for our careless, wasteful, damaging ways. And all life on the planet is under seige. And the powerful, well-armed humans are always beating, pummeling and massacring the weaker humans. So much of human history is the calculated "murder of the innocents." When it comes to war, the majority of the destruction and mayhem is wreaked upon those poor human beings who just happen to be "in the way."
It is a vision of hell. No doubt. How to navigate and deal with that on a day to day basis? Without losing all hope & optimism? How does a caring, thinking, & feeling being deal with the on-going, relentless tragedy in the world, without getting totally disheartened & crushed?
Beats me.
I mean, it seems impossible. I think of those "defense mechanisms" that Freud delineated. Sure, our task is to keep our heads in the game, lean to the light, and do the best we can. We need to be totally alive, aware, awake. But we live in a technicolor hellscape too. A globally-interconnected hellscape. How to digest and navigate it all? It's a dilemma, a conundrum, an impossible situation. It's the human thing, writ large. Heaven & Beauty sit side by side with Hell & a Deep in the Bone Mayhem & Ugliness. We tread the path between those extremes every damn day.