Living a life filled with rich detail; a very good I thing, indeed.
Of course, it can get a bit extreme & obessive. It is easy to get swamped and lost in the midst of an ever-expanding Universe of details. We have been submerged in soundwaves and in listening to musical tracks for a long, sustained time, months & months over the last year. There is a purpose: create a beautiful, amazing, rich and powerful work of art. I mean, at least that is the goal.
We have been working with two mixing engineers, which has complicated things. Two different styles. It's all an art, with a little bit of science mixed in too. We are working on making these two approaches work seamlessly on a cohesive album.
Details, details, details.
Lately we have been grappling with sub bass. What originally sounded like a fabulous hefty bass sound, anchoring one of what we were hearing as a standout track, turns out to be an unwiedly, messy, & annoying sonic wave that sort of dominates and kills the song.
It took many listens on many different devices, in many different listening rooms, to pin this down. We sat with the engineer and adjusted the sub bass. Suddenly the track opened up and sounded better than ever. A small change can have major efffects. Yes, getting lost in sub bass. That was a new experience. Close listening: the more you listen, the more you hear. And small changes can have major ramifications.
It's a process, a journey, a singular road towards some kind of nebulous ideal. We are getting there. So close. Maybe. Lost in a sea of details. A well-tempered Life.