Do not take anything for granted, especially not all the things we do take for granted.
Be humble and kind even in the face of indifference and hostility.
Don't be afraid, even in the face of all that scary shit that comes our way.
Do the work. Always, with determination, with inspiration, with gumption, and damn the torpedos.
Have fun. Play. Laugh. Smile often.
Don't worry about what others think, or do, or say.
Listen to everything in the air, but don't take it personally.
Be aware of the nay-sayers, the soul-eaters, those who want to have what we have.
Protect yourself. Meditate. Ground yourself. Eat well. Lean to Clarity and Charity.
Fierce Hope, Fierce Creativity. Fierce Intention.
Do the Work. Do the work. Do the work.