If these cosmologists have any fricking clue, (that's a major leap right there), our universe is just one of an infinite series. And in that infinity of infinities anything and everything will happen. Maybe over and over. Truly freaky. And well, it seems we are the "freaky observers." And well, come on, really, you got a problem with that?
As per the article: "You might wonder what’s wrong with a few brains — or even a preponderance of them — floating around in space. For one thing, as observers these brains would see a freaky chaotic universe, unlike our own, which seems to persist in its promise and disappointment."
UPDATE: I heard from my brother this morning. He has a double major, math and art (go figure!). Anyway he read the article too, and just like me, it just tickled him pink. It's wonderful to think that we really live in an incredibly wacky universe where basically anything goes. During our conversation, I mentioned that maybe, just maybe, there was some kind of typo, and instead of cosmologists, the article was actually based on views of a bunch of cosmetologists, probably supremely stoned ones at that...could it be true?