Faux Fu

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Weather: Feisty & Often Dangerous...

The last few weeks around here the weather has been pretty much perfect. Sunny, warm temps, with nice breezes coming off the lake. A little bit of heaven day by day. Sunday was truly exquisite.  

Yesteday, one day later, what was the weather like?! Ungodly. Nasty.  Dangerous. 

Excessive Heat Warning: The magnitude of anticipated heat, combined with oppressive warmth at night will lead to hazardous conditions, particularly for the elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions.

Also there was an Air-Quality Alert: The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has determined that an Air Pollution Action Day will be declared for the greater Chicago Metropolitan Area and is IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT TONIGHT.

As they say, "ignore at your own peril." I am not going to mention the elephant in the room, you know the thing we all seem to want to ignore. Oh hell, why not? Human-made Climate Catastrophe, anyone?! 

Luckily, for us, we had a day off, and we were able to stay inside with the A/C cranked, most of the day. We took a brief jaunt across town to get some supplies, and yes, it was truly, madly, deeply, excessively, oppressively, hot and nasty. We both got very hot and bothered, and dizzy, in a very short period of time. Yikes.

What to say? That's the new reality. Weather is feisty, and often dangerous. It was weird to see the lakefront, usually bustling with human activity, pretty much deserted. Eerie. It all looked magnificent, the water, the trees, the paths, but there was danger in the air, and there were no people to be seen. Strange new world. Yes, indeed.

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