Faux Fu

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Racist Flailing...

Oh my. That racist old man running for President came to Chicago yesterday for some determined racist-flailing. The Black Journalists who questioned him pushed the hot-buttons on that fat buffoon with a couple of smart questions, and the racist-shill-asshole just immediately jumped up and revealed his deeply sick & corrupt heart. 

Such a tired routine. Sure, his base is filled with racists, so maybe not so surprising. What a thuddingly bad display. Let me quote the fabulously great Arizona Senator/Astronaut Mark Kelly:

Sen. Mark Kelly says Trump’s remarks at the NABJ convention today were “the comments of a desperate, scared old man who, over the last week especially, has been having his butt kicked by an experienced prosecutor."

That weak, old man racist buffoon just can't help himself. Racist-Flailing. Yikes!

We can do so much better!

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