Faux Fu

Friday, November 11, 2022

A Bit Brighter this Morning...

"China has peaked, Russia is retreating, and Trump is done. There's hope, people." - Timothy Snyder (author of "On Tyranny - Twenty Lessons from the 20th Century").

Yes. Hope. For sure. Great minds. Great writers. It's important to study and to know history. I mean, not for nostalgia, not as a retrograde move, but as a way of understanding the complexity of the human thing, finding clues about where we are today, by understanding what has happened in the past. 

"On Tyranny focuses on the concept of tyranny in the context of the modern United States politics, analyzing what Snyder calls "America's turn towards authoritarianism".[6] Explaining that "(h)istory does not repeat, but it does instruct,"[7] he analyzes recent European history to identify conditions that can enable established democracies to transform into dictatorships.[8][9] The short (126 pages) book is presented as a series of twenty instructions on how to combat the rise of tyranny, such as "Defend institutions", "Remember professional ethics", and "Believe in truth."

Yes, indeed. This morning it seems that Institutions, the Rule of Law, Free and Fair Elections, Ethics and Truth are still with us in America. Who knows? I mean, of course, it's always a battle, there are the never-ending, always contending forces of  Dark vs. Light. But today the Light seems a bit brighter. Yes. It does.

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