Faux Fu

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Bright Shiny Beast...

The Bright Shiny Beast. It's multi-headed. Multi-armed. Multi-legged. It's always on. It's always got something bright and shiny to share. It takes up all the oxygen. It fills all the silence. It takes up enormous time and space. It is abundant, it is legion. Everlasting.  The Bright Shiny Beast is not your friend. You think the Bright Shiny Beast is a giving creature, but it is taking, always, always taking. You are just compost, fuel, beverage. You will be Consumed. Taken apart cell by cell. Vaporized. Crushed into tiny, invisible molecules. You will probably go willingly, maybe even with a smile on your face. That's the big joke at the end of the road. Ha! The joke is on us... all of us... the Bright Shiny Beast rules the roost! It will destroy everything, and keep destroying well after we are all gone.  The Bright Shiny Beast. All hail!

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