A Morrissey lyric kept running through my head, appropriate, and not so subtle: "What a terrible mess I've made of my life."
Morrissey is a "go-to" lyricist. And isn't he just one of the greatest songwriters of all time? Another day, and another mood and maybe this line would be keeping me company: "There is a light that never goes out." But no, it was not that kind of day.
If I were to sum things up. My life. I mean, I hate to do it, not my normal mode, the summing up is a gruesome frame of mind, a gruesome game. One I work hard on avoiding. But anyway let's see, where do I start...
At least...
... I'm not dead yet.
... I haven't killed anyone.
... Things could be worse.
... I still have all my body parts.
... Everything still works.
Maybe the bar is set a bit low? But anyway, that was my day of reckoning. You get down to the bottom. And then there's the looking up.