How the hell did I miss HellBoy? I guess the movie debuted in 2004, it came and went, and well, I had no clue. I finally caught up with it, and man, do I have a new hero or what? Hell Boy is the man, or no, I mean he's part man and part devil (who isn't?), and he's working with the good guys to fight the bad guys and bad girls. In the HellBoy universe, God seems to be on vacation, or out to lunch, or well, just maybe completely bored with the shit going down on planet earth. So, instead we've got Nazis and, Rasputin, and a host of strange and creepy creatures that want to devour us and bring on the new apocalypse.
HellBoy eats Baby Ruths, he smokes cigars, he drinks Budweiser, he's in love with a girl who, when she gets upset, is a fire-starter. I see HellBoy as a combination of Tom Waits, Charles Bukowski, and the Incredible Hulk. He's big, he's red, he's strong, and he likes to work alone. He's not too happy with his looks, he files down his horns, he thinks he wants to fit in, but, well, it just ain't gonna happen.
Anyway, the movie (based on a comic) is directed by Guillermo Del Toro who made the exquisite "Pan's Labryinth." HellBoy is a kick of a movie. Lots of battles with monsters, cool bad guys, it's pretty funny too. HellBoy wants to be good, although, he is a child of hell, and well, when it comes down to it, aye, there's the rub.