Yes. It is true, I find cursing like a drunken sailor quite satisfying. I do recommend it. So, yes, again, fuck it. Despite all the bad news, all the madness, bad blood, corruption & idiocy, with the fascist assholes running amok, hollowing out our government and unleashing fresh misery on the people, you know, welcome to Dystopia 2025, I am still betting on reality & gravity, winning the day.
I can't help it. If I dig down deep enough into my own soul, soul-searching with a purpose, I come to the conclusion that this bad faith madness can't last. The stupid evil ones are just too stupid & evil for this to work. This new phase of fresh fuckery is built upon such obvious lies & such evil intent, it just can't hold.
Do I have any evidence to support my gut intuition? Not really. There is a bit of a push-back coming from the usual suspects, but the fascist assholes control all the levers of power. And lots of folks are staring in shocked silence. Not a good dynamic at the moment.
Still, I dream of a better day. It's the only way I can get up every morning. I do think we are heading toward some wild, unforseen Black Swan event, and then well, who knows?! Hold tight. Damn the torpedoes...