Great title for a record. A great record from Modest Mouse. I am listening to it now, on this gloomy St. Patrick's Day morning in the heartland.
Modest Mouse - what a weird band. I think of them as an oddball outlier. They are led by the very verbose and over-caffeinated Issac Brock. He is a musical dynamo. He frequently gets a bit over-excited in song. Still even his "shouty-ness" is quite musical. He is not an angry dude. Just super-enthusiastic, always bursting with fascinating things to say. Take a journey with Modest Mouse and you will find surprises all along the way.
Funny too. I find myself often laughing, enjoying Brock's twisted sense of humor.
Lately, I have been doing a lot of listening to the three or four other Modest Mouse records I own. They are all quite good. This is one ranks as one of the best. No doubt.
I am not one of those people who love bad news. Bad news is part of the deal of being human, but I don't look forward to it. I do know some people who do. They love bad news, they love to share bad news, their lives are just chock-full of bad news.
Best to give those folks a wide berth. Put me in the camp of those folks who try to find to good in the middle of the bad. Always looking for a silver lining. It's doesn't always work. Often the bad news comes streaming in like a tsunami, and there's no denying, just an accounting.
Times like that, we hunker in and pray for a better day.