whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution
Monday, March 24, 2025
Living with the New American Fascism...
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Music Therapy. All Falls Away.
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Turning to Another Way...
Friday, March 21, 2025
A Case-Study of Self-Sabotage & Implosion...
When money spent on assets doesn’t result in assets.
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Amplified Stupidity...
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
The Black Robes Phase of Democracy...
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Dismantling the Brand, One Ad at a Time...
Monday, March 17, 2025
Rest, Relaxation, Joy and then, well, the New Tyranny = A day of Two Minds...
Sunday, March 16, 2025
A Brilliant Ad Campaign In London...
Yes. The Swasticar ads popping up on the streets of London are brilliant. Supposedly a group called, "Everyone Hates Elon," dreamed up this fabulous campaign. Those out of the loop might ask: "Why Does Everyone Hate Elon?" That's easy. Being super-rich, coming out as a Nazi, trying to swing elections around the world to hard-right-white-supremacy parties, intent on robbing working folks of their healthcare and social safety-net programs, buddying up and partnering with America's newly-elected Toxic-Tyrant, desiring to rule over all the humans on the planet; well, that just doesn't sit well with some segments of the human population.
There is brand-building, and then there is anti-brand-building. One day this will be an incredible case-study for those interested in pop culture and advertising. A man, and a brand, destroyed by one man's own hubris, arrogance, and self-sabotage. One exuberant Nazi-salute, and the empire of $ started to crack & crumble. Ha. Ha. Ha. The Telsa Takedown is in full swing. People Power in action. Beautiful...
Saturday, March 15, 2025
A Bumpy Ride...
Friday, March 14, 2025
Can We Make that Nazi-Oligarch Cry?
A billboard going up on a wall in London. You gotta hand it to the Brits. They really know their Nazis. Tesla. The cars are crashing, and so is the stock. The Fast & the Fuhrer a new flick coming to a screen near you.
Oh yeah, don't forget this rich guy has also joined forces with Trump to rob Americans of their social-net-safety programs: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. I kid you not. The audacity of the wealthy. Cuts for the commom folks to feed the beast of tax cuts for billionaires. Another example of how too much power & wealth is not good for a Human Being, or the Human mind. "Absolute power corrupts absolutely."
So yeah, most of Musk's wealth is "on paper," embodied in the inflated price of his car company. How's that going?
"And as of March 11, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, that has meant $126 billion being shaved off Musk's own personal wealth since the beginning of this year, not an insignificant amount despite his massive financial holdings."
Ha. Down $126 Billion since the beginning of the year?! That is a great start. Come on folks, keep it going. How low can it go? It all leads one to wonder: "Can we make that Nazi-Oligarch cry?"
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Disordered Discourse, Disordered Minds...
Eliot Higgins. One of the great finds on Blue Sky: Founder and creative director of Bellingcat and director of Bellingcat Productions BV. Author of We Are Bellingcat. Tonal Whiplash Zone.
"Disordered discourse." Of course. It's a cultural/political schizophrenia. It is so disturbing for folks on the other side of the MAGA ideological chasm. A paradigm shift. We went from benevolent, honest, sleepy Joe, the caretaker of America and Democracy around the world, to a Gangsta/Authoritarian/Creep/Made in America Oligarchy intent on demolishing everything we hold dear in our Democracy.
It seemed to happen in a blink of an eye. And we sort of slept-walked into it. And now, all of our institutions are being corrupted. It's like a sickness, a virus, a plague, a madness seeping into every nook and cranny of our country.
And you can't argue or reason with the disordered mind or the party of disordered minds. Point out that they are wrong on the facts, and on the wrong side of reality, and history, and they will deny the facts and the reality and try to rewrite the history. They will double and triple down on the lies.
That is where we are at the moment. Some of us live and die with every new development, every little outrage, act of corruption and madness. Some of us are ignoring it all, hoping it all works out. The disordered minds and the disordered discourse is wreaking havoc here and abroad. Fuck. Yikes. It's sickness. No doubt. Clearer heads are spinning. WTF?!?
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
"The Worst Versions of Themselves..."
Paul Krugman nails it here: "A Mind is a terrible thing to Lose." We have unbound, and unleashed the Two-Headed Mad King Monster. And together they are intent on destroying our beautiful country. A beautiful, thriving Democracy is also a terrible thing to lose. As they say, read it and weep. Those will be real tears you will shed, no doubt. Krugman is always brilliant and insightful.
Are these two crazed, unhinged, billionaires stupid, corrupt, crazy? Why not all three?!
At the end of the piece Krugman comes up with a fabulous formulation.What happens when the powerful & wealthy get so powerful & wealthy they become untethered to the real world?
"Cowed Republicans and timid Democrats have effectively given Trump and Musk the freedom to become the worst versions of themselves. And the whole world will pay the price." - Paul KrugmanTuesday, March 11, 2025
Things are Looking Up by Trending Strongly & Boldly Down!
Monday, March 10, 2025
Time to Protect & Preserve...
Sunday, March 09, 2025
The Downside of "Unfettered Capitalism" = Thy Name is Musk!
Ha. Yes. It seems the Tesla Cybertrucks are now joining the Tesla Takedown movement (see previous post), they are committing ritual Seppuku on the streets of America.
Who in their right mind would want to ride in one those "self-driving" monsters?
From Heather Cox Richardson: "In the Public Notice interview, Thor Benson asked Ryan Mac: “What’s something about Elon’s huge role in the Trump administration that people perhaps aren’t understanding?” Mac answered that Musk is the manifestation of the nation’s extreme wealth inequality."“What happens,” he asked, “when there is unfettered capitalism that allows people to accumulate this much money and this much power?”
Saturday, March 08, 2025
Robbing Americans of their Jobs, their Healthcare, and SSI...
Maybe going full Nazi is bad for business? Maybe being the face and most blatant example of the insane, rampant, over the top, income inequality & disparity of wealth, pervasive in America, is a bad branding idea? Why is this man trying to rob Americans of their HealthCare and Social Security? Who appointed this man Emperor? Maybe this billionaire class is a bit "over their skis?" Maybe they haven't thought through the consequences of so boldly lording over the people? There are a few of them vs. many, many, many of us.
Sometimes in the midst of the bad shite, you stumble across some good news. This Tesla Takedown movement seems to be working:
"The company’s poor performance has also affected Musk’s personal wealth. At the beginning of February, Musk’s net worth was around $433 billion. Today, that number is $330 billion, per Bloomberg’s billionaire index—a drop of $103 billion."Friday, March 07, 2025
Terror Dome City...
Thursday, March 06, 2025
Instant Karma...
Wednesday, March 05, 2025
buddy/master/handler/co-conspirator/big daddy
How to explain the shit-show that is unfolding in America now?
The simple, elegant and obvious explanation: The President isn't really working for America or Americans. He never has been, and never will be.
What is the one consistent theme that explains his actions? Vladimir Putin & Russia. Just look at the evidence. Our President is always aligned with Putin. He always takes Putin's side. It doesn't take much digging or homework or hard-thinking to come to that conclusion. That explanation has been floating around since forever. In fact, it is so blindingly obvious, it's almost invisible now. For proof just look at what our President says and does. Words & actions. It's all about his buddy/master/handler/co-conspirator/big daddy, Vladimir.
MAGA has never been about making America great. It is selling division, demoralization & diminshment here and abroad. It is an invalidation of America. It weakens us. Trump's mission is Putin's mission too. Their enemies: A free press, fact-based reality, rule of law, free & fair elections, healthy Democracies around the world.
You may ask why?
There are many plausible explanations. It is probably a combination of many things, but we are stuck with the cold hard reality. It's a bummer. For sure. A terrible thing. Bad for America and our allies around the world. Seems Un-American. Buddying up with an anti-democratic strongman against the free world. But as Kurt Vonnegut liked to write: So it Goes...
Tuesday, March 04, 2025
A Scenario...
Monday, March 03, 2025
A Simple Formula for Better Living...
Sunday, March 02, 2025
American Nightmare Now...
Saturday, March 01, 2025
Appalled, Horrified, Ashamed...
Chris Hayes: Trump ‘irreparably destroyed’ world order with Zelenskyy blowup
Friday, February 28, 2025
The Action of No-Action. Zen. Brilliant & Elegant.
This is on today. We are doing it. Or in this case, not doing it. The action of no action. Kind of Zen. The moment I read about it, I thought it was a brilliant & elegant idea. Perfect for America. We are such world-class consumers. Let's be a bit disciplined, and show the world our power by not shopping. Soft power, yes. but, who knows, if enough people participate, maybe the world will notice? That is how movements start? Right?
Thursday, February 27, 2025
"Maybe something amazing will happen?"
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Leashed Together...
When I first laid eyes on this image the laughter came like a flash of joyful lightening. My first thought, which I spoke out-loud to no-one in an empty kitchen: "Wow. Time Magazine has really stepped up their game."
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
The "Have an Asshole Plutocrat Illegally Break the Government Agenda..."
Ha. Seems the "natives are getting restless." Even in those safe Red State Districts, folks who voted for the New Fascist Terror Dome Regime, are having second thoughts, & are none too happy about cuts to government programs, and proposed cuts to their benefit programs like Medicare & Social Security. All to try to justify tax cuts for billionaires.
It does seem like a tough sell. But of course, we are being "ruled" by corrupt, greedy, idiots, and "the people" have been sleeping.
I think the new (see three posts back), version of this totally mega-rad-cool graphic is more on the nose.
As Paul Campos so exquisitely sums is up: "It’s probably not a good sign for your “have an asshole plutocrat illegally break the government” agenda when you need a SWAT team to face your constituents..."
BTW - The silly question I floated to my partner in the kitchen yesterday: "Did they outlaw fun yet?!" Tongue in cheek, don't you know?
All of this bad shite rolling across the land fuels a gnarly, sharply-pointed attitude. It is an attitude familiar to me. Probably a survival mechanism, and a good strategy for better living. Fuck these rich, wanna be Fascist, Emperors, and Kings, trying to con us. That ain't America, buddy. Those oligarchs are vastly outnumbered by the people. What if the people finally wake up? Hmmm. Could get interesting.
Damn the torpedoes. We are, and can do, so much better...
Monday, February 24, 2025
Disease & Debauchery...
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Power in the Pocket Book...
You know, there is all this Fascist Terror Dome action rolling out in Washington D.C. It is very concerning. What are the people to do? Here is a simple and easy thing for Americans to do. We are citizens & consumers. We are probably the greatest shoppers ever to grace the planet. We love to buy shit. We pride ourselves on being smart shoppers. We love to sacrifice our $ for things.
How about showing our power by not shopping for a 24 hour period? Show the powers that be that there is a sleeping giant: the American Consumer, and we are not happy with this turn to authoritarian, white-nationlist fascism. Yes.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Burn Your Tesla!
Blog Archive
- Living with the New American Fascism...
- Music Therapy. All Falls Away.
- Turning to Another Way...
- A Case-Study of Self-Sabotage & Implosion...
- Amplified Stupidity...
- The Black Robes Phase of Democracy...
- Dismantling the Brand, One Ad at a Time...
- Rest, Relaxation, Joy and then, well, the New Tyra...
- A Brilliant Ad Campaign In London...
- A Bumpy Ride...
- Can We Make that Nazi-Oligarch Cry?
- Disordered Discourse, Disordered Minds...
- "The Worst Versions of Themselves..."
- Things are Looking Up by Trending Strongly & Boldl...
- Time to Protect & Preserve...
- The Downside of "Unfettered Capitalism" = Thy Name...
- Robbing Americans of their Jobs, their Healthcare,...
- Terror Dome City...
- Instant Karma...
- buddy/master/handler/co-conspirator/big daddy
- A Scenario...
- A Simple Formula for Better Living...
- American Nightmare Now...
- Appalled, Horrified, Ashamed...