Faux Fu

Friday, February 09, 2024

Magnificent & Glorious...

I had a "nightmare r&r show" awhile back. My Telecaster failed, and I sort of spontaneously combusted on stage. Quite memorable, in a pretty bad way.

Ever since I have been trying to do a little mojo repair. Small steps forward. Last night, I got the chance to get back up on stage with 7 other musicians, creating a hurricane of sound. It was a stellar outing. No broken strings, no flubs, no hesitation, no kerfluffles, no fuckups. 

It was incredibly hot on  a very crowded stage under the glowing stage lights. The temps outside were unseasonably warm, inside it was a steaming hot-house. I wore a dark coat, and quickly found myself in a pool of sweat. But, this time, I was not hot and bothered, instead, I was totally in the moment, alive, aware and flying. 

It was magnificent and glorious. The band played a fabulous set. The audience went wild. It was quite sastifying. Afterwards, folks raved about our performance. Seems we really connected with the audience. Very gratifying. That's how you reconstitute the mojo.  Just like that.

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