Faux Fu

Sunday, February 04, 2024

Life is Transformation, Transfiguration...

Maybe we all  possess an unchanging, totally fundamental, and unique "original essence." Maybe somewhere deep in the core of our being there is a kernal, or  a hard-nut-spark that holds firm throughout a life. Maybe. 

At the same time, no doubt, we are all always changing. Our bodies, every cell & emotion, our minds, every thought & idea, are subject to fluctuation. We are always morphing, evolving, adapting, repsonding to everything around us. For some of us, change comes easy, for others, change comes hard. Dylan tells us: "He not busy being born is busy dying." Maybe the truly living are always hatching a new person?

We cling to certain ideal of continuity, we hold onto certain personality traits, we construct a sequential narrative of a life. We fool ourselves into thinking that the narrative is set, that the story of our lives can only be told one way, that there is consistency in the telling, but really, the truth is the narrative too is always changing, it is always subject to revision and major edits. These revisions and edits are sometimes subtle, sometimes dramatic. Sometimes they are so subtle we don't even notice the stories of our lives are now completely new and truly different. 

You wake up one morning and just know that you are not the same person you used to be. How you got here, how you arrived at this particular moment is sort of  a mystery. You remember other places and times, but that version of "you," in those earlier scenes is not the "you now." Weird. For sure. You find that you are a stranger to yourself. All your habits and routines have morphed, evolved, changed. 

And maybe that is what it means to live a life. It is an act of transformation, and an act of transfiguration. Maybe that is a good life. A life of change. A becoming. Always becoming. Those not evolving, not adapting, not changing? That would be a deadness. A dead-end. Change. We can embrace change. To not fear change, but to embrace it, maybe it really, truly is essential to a healthy, good, rewarding, fulfilling life?

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