So weird. The best of us are sort of flailing. The worst of us are lording over everyone. We are grappling with this new reality every day, doing our best to keep our heads. We know we are on the right track, but the direction of the Nation seems to be pointed to a very different direction; over a steep, dangerous, cliff, portending an atrociously-bad & ugly fall.
Yikes. Our latest thought, which we floated yesterday afternoon: "Maybe something amazing will happen?" You know, unintended consequences? Could things get so bad, so dicey, so clearly wrong-headed & catastrophic that when the crash comes, a new way and a new day will be born from the rubble? Ha. Sure. Why not? That's one of those tricks of the mind that come in handy; hoping against hope. Yes I do think this scenario is quite likely. Human Beings, we are resilient, tricky, always looking for an escape hatch. Maybe a new dawn is just around the bend?