So, anyway, they are doing their thing. It seems like total madness. They are crushing the rule of law, the constitutional order, common sense & decency. And lying the whole time as they do their dirty deeds. It is quite astonishing. There is a push-back happening. Primarily in the courts. The switchboards are jammed with calls from concerned citizens, the Democrats are starting to rally in opposition, but the Republicans in the House & Senate are either cheering these two on, or hiding like the true cowards they have been throughout this whole ugly political era. What's a humble Pilgrim to do? Hang on, hang in. I think all of this activity is so corrupt & bad-intentioned, so unhinged from reality, that it can't last or succeed. At least that is my hope. How long can this go on? I don't know. It's gonna be a wild, scary ride for awhile. In the meantime, a lot of bad shite is being unleashed on us all. I'm no longer a betting man, but I am betting on gravity, sanity, and reality making a comeback. You know, slow, halting and sure, but a comeback for Democracy & USA. I mean, really, I'm not ready to give in, or to give up on the American dream for the ill-intentioned American nightmare. Fuck that.