whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Surreal, Creepy, Lynchian Film?


Sorry. I hestitated to post this photo. It is quite scary. It is not photoshopped. It isn't a still from a never completed David Lynch  (god bless his soul) movie. Sure, I mean, it looks so Lynchian; surreal, bizzare, confounding, creepy. WTF?! This actually happened yesterday in the Oval Office. These two emotionally-crippled, psychologically-damaged, malevolent adults currently on a mission to destroy the U.S. Govenment, systematically shutting down perfectly-fine departments (that's illegal!), & agencies fully-funded by Congress. They are lying to us, saying it's about "fraud & waste," but really they are just describing their own lives. What about the child? What can one say? Poor kid. Sure he is being brought up in unimaginable wealth, but... well... yikes...

"Ladies & Gentlemen, the new scary comedy duo terrorizing the nation, Fraud & Waste!" BTW - Which is which?  Not sure, thinking both are both with an assist from the Unfortunate Child.

So, anyway, they are doing their thing. It seems like total madness. They are crushing the rule of law, the constitutional order, common sense & decency. And lying the whole time as they do their dirty deeds. It is quite astonishing. There is a push-back happening. Primarily in the courts. The switchboards are jammed with calls from concerned citizens, the Democrats are starting to rally in opposition, but the Republicans in the House & Senate are either cheering these two on, or hiding like the true cowards they have been throughout this whole ugly political era.  What's a humble Pilgrim to do? Hang on, hang in. I think all of this activity is so corrupt & bad-intentioned, so unhinged from reality, that it can't last or succeed. At least that is my hope. How long can this go on? I don't know. It's gonna be a wild, scary ride for awhile.  In the meantime, a lot of bad shite is being unleashed on us all. I'm no longer a betting man, but I am betting on gravity, sanity, and reality making a comeback. You know, slow, halting and sure, but a comeback for Democracy & USA. I mean, really, I'm not ready to give in, or to give up on the American dream for the ill-intentioned American nightmare. Fuck that.

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