Faux Fu

Thursday, July 20, 2023


The secret? There are a few. Maybe not so secret.

Ingredients of "The Good Life."

A restful night's sleep. Solves so many problems. To wake up recharged and refreshed. The best medicine.
A good meal. Yes. Food is medicine. Healthy, organic, fresh, lots of greens. 
Coffee. No doubt. The rocket fuel. The will to live. Conjures up energy for the day.
A project. Always onto the next thing. A hope. A dream. A mission.
A good book. Always be reading. Opens the world. Opens your head & heart.
Music. Always be listening to music. Expand your horizons. Fill your days with good vibrations.
Keep moving. Walking, running, biking, swimming. Whatever. Use that body.
Stop and smell the roses. Take a moment to reflect, observe. Silent contemplation. Meditation.

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