Yesterday was all ominous, dark foreboding. Lost in a forest of anxiety and confusion. One of Dante's circles of hell. Turns out, everything was fine. Came home late, made a portabello mushroom sandwich, crashed out for a long, fitful sleep.
This morning the black fog has lifted. Not sure whence came the storm.
My fate is in the hands of the gods. I touch bottom and float back to a happy, expectant, optimism. Energy is eternal delight. Chalk it up to my killer 'witches brew.'
"One more cup of coffee 'fore I go, to the valley below."
whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Blog Archive
- David's phrase about a collaborative group (think ...
- Slept like a dead man. No dreams, a long silence....
- Met with the Black Forest creative team yesterday....
- Something was calling me this morning...maybe it w...
- Went to Michael Moore's 'Farenheit 911' last night...
- Insubstantial, invisible. So much of what I do ha...
- Random bursts from the front: 1. Camp Alpha now s...
- Scientists examine 'why we do it.' Evolutionary b...
- Yesterday was all ominous, dark foreboding. Lost i...
- Dark Morning. Dark thoughts. Light morning. Light...
- Yesterday, went to press on my new play, now entit...
- Went to see Nicholas Ray's "Bitter Victory," last ...
- New running wings to fly. As per Mert...
- "All around the world, people talk about the weath...
- A reluctant blogger this morning. Empty, clear. ...
- A good sleep is rejuvenating. Bukowski's title in...
- The world keeps turning. Once you get on, there's...
- This morning: a yawning, hollow, silence. Can t...
- 'Hello darkness, my old friend...' Started the mo...
- Over the radio waves this morning: 'he was a man o...
- Up before the sun. The time, between 5:00 a.m. an...
- Very creaky this morning. It's amazing how a litt...
- Blogging late today. Went to a 'Sensor' show in Mo...
- To be human, is to misunderstand and to be misunde...
- On the verge? In the breech? On the cusp of some...
- Empty this morning. Kind of like a blank chalk bo...
- Slow to blog this morning. Dreamed Ringo Starr ca...
- The Life of the Mind. Or is it Shepard's 'Lie of ...
- The real test, is to be positive without really tr...
- Catching up this morning. Feels like I'm a step s...