whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution

Monday, March 03, 2025

A Simple Formula for Better Living...

"Do the right thing." Yikes. It seems to be out of fashion. It is a bit disorienting when the whole culture seems to be pointed in a completely contrary direction.

Clarity. Silence. Discipline. Out of date phenomena. 

This morning, I feel out of sync & out of tune with my fellow Humans, & especially with the latest events rolling out from our Facsist Terror Dome Regime in D.C. 

I know there are others like me out here, but I am not seeking shelter in the herd. I don't care about safety in numbers. Maybe I should be worried about standing out in a field all by myself, but I am not worried. At the moment this is still America, land of the free, home of the brave, at least in my fertile imagination. I mean, damn the torpedoes.

I cling to some basics: truth, facts, scientific method, honesty, love, creativity, music, poetry, literature, improvisation, clear-mindedness. Oh yeah, and a sense of humor. Life is too short to succumb to the hate, and to be consumed with the haters. 

You know fuck them. Cursing by the way is good. All those nasty swear words. Useful. Do the right thing. Yep. It is a simple formula for better living.

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