whitewolfsonicprincess' 2nd single Child of the Revolution

Monday, March 03, 2025

A Simple Formula for Better Living...

"Do the right thing." Yikes. It seems to be out of fashion. It is a bit disorienting when the whole culture seems to be pointed in a completely contrary direction.

Clarity. Silence. Discipline. Out of date phenomena. 

This morning, I feel out of sync & out of tune with my fellow Humans, & especially with the latest events rolling out from our Facsist Terror Dome Regime in D.C. 

I know there are others like me out here, but I am not seeking shelter in the herd. I don't care about safety in numbers. Maybe I should be worried about standing out in a field all by myself, but I am not worried. At the moment this is still America, land of the free, home of the brave, at least in my fertile imagination. I mean, damn the torpedoes.

I cling to some basics: truth, facts, scientific method, honesty, love, creativity, music, poetry, literature, improvisation, clear-mindedness. Oh yeah, and a sense of humor. Life is too short to succumb to the hate, and to be consumed with the haters. 

You know fuck them. Cursing by the way is good. All those nasty swear words. Useful. Do the right thing. Yep. It is a simple formula for better living.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

American Nightmare Now...

Still reeling from the "blow-up" in that Oval Office meeting on Friday. There was one brave, courageous, very admirable leader in that room, and he was not an American. That one lone leader was surrounded, & out-numbered by a depraved mob of creepy, greedy, disgusting thugs. Oh, yeah, those were the Americans.

A pivot point. My conclusion? USA is fucked royally

We are firmly in the grip of the worst people imaginable. They seem to be intent on destroying America from the inside out, and the outside in. It is destruction across the board, and still, not yet two months in. It seems that the large, loud, fat man with the orange tan, and his gang of spineless toadies, is doing Vladimir Putin's bidding. They are aligning America with Putin's Russia. Turning their backs on our European allies. Holy shite. There are many plausible reasons for why he, and they, would do that, but let's just cut to the chase, this administration is clearly not doing anything to the benefit of America, the American people, or America's allies.

The post World War II alliance of Democracies around the world is being smashed & trashed.

The "toxic one's" display of anger at the mention of his big daddy Putin, was sickening. He started shouting about "World War III." Fuck. The President of the United States unhinged. He totally lost his shit. The mask fell to reveal the dark heart of sick-corruption, a black-hole of deep, unvarnished, nihilism. It was bad, super-bad. Dare I say that man is very, very unwell? He gets off on his own bile, anger & hatred. Scary as shit.

At that moment, my thought? America is finished. I think so. At least my previous conception of what Amercia has meant to me as a country, and an ideal. So weird, and sad, that we actually did this to ourselves. 

I suppose coming to that realization was a relief. No going back. Something new will have to emerge out of the wreckage. Time for new ideas. New movements. New organizations. New Dreams. In the meantime, lots of chaos and destruction seems to be in the cards. Pretty sure all of us will suffer the consequences. Of course, the wealthy ones will be somewhat insulated, but if, and when, maybe sooner than we think, the financial system cracks and craters, well, even  the wealthy folks amongst us will be slimed. It's an all American Nighmare now. Yikes.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Appalled, Horrified, Ashamed...

We watched the Zelensky & Trump meeting in the Oval Office yesterday. Let me offer three words: appalled, horrified, ashamed.

I highly recommend you watch the video from Chris Hayes in full. Everyone should watch it. My great friend from Poland sent me the link with a simple question: "What do you think?"

My heartfelt response...

"Thanks for sending me this video my friend. Yes. I agree with every word. We watched the meeting yesterday afternoon, and were totally horrified and appalled. All of our thoughts and sympathies are with Zelensky, Ukraine & Europe. Trump & Vance were totally despicable. Bootlickers to Putin. Astonishing. Sad. We feel total shame. Yikes. We are having difficulty getting our heads around this, the world is being totally upended. Not good. We are at a loss of what to do. We feel betrayed too. Love..."

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