Yes. You know how we've all totally tuned out those Climate Scientists? Those folks telling us we need to radically change the way that we all live on this little blue planet? The Humans are just "whistling past the graveyard," heads down, ignoring all the signs, carrying on with "drill baby, drill" and wondering why the world is on fire...
"At the stroke of midnight on Dec. 31, Earth finished up its hottest year in recorded history, scientists said on Friday. The previous hottest year was 2023. And the next one will be upon us before long: By continuing to burn huge amounts of coal, oil and gas, humankind has all but guaranteed it.
"The planet’s record-high average temperature last year reflected the weekslong, 104-degree-Fahrenheit spring heat waves that shuttered schools in Bangladesh and India. It reflected the effects of the bathtub-warm ocean waters that supercharged hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and cyclones in the Philippines. And it reflected the roasting summer and fall conditions that primed Los Angeles this week for the most destructive wildfires in its history."
"The planet’s record-high average temperature last year reflected the weekslong, 104-degree-Fahrenheit spring heat waves that shuttered schools in Bangladesh and India. It reflected the effects of the bathtub-warm ocean waters that supercharged hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico and cyclones in the Philippines. And it reflected the roasting summer and fall conditions that primed Los Angeles this week for the most destructive wildfires in its history."
Who knew? Oh yeah, only those folks who were alive, aware, awake to the world around them. The rest of us? Folks on the right, you know, those idiotic, lunatic, always lying right-wingers, want to convince us that Climate Change is a hoax. They just double & triple down on the gob-smacking, idiocy and madness. The rest of us are just stumbling & bumbling along, dancing around the flames, trying not to burn baby burn.