Faux Fu

Friday, June 14, 2024

Nobility in their Reality...

Let's sing the praises of the common, working stiffs. I come from a long series of them. Honest folks doing honest work. Common ones. Hard workers. 

I look back and see some incredibly capable and talented folks spending lots of their lives hustling, & trying to earn a buck. Not the easiest life, by any means.

These are the folks who built things. Helped create the world we inhabit. They often get over-looked. There is a "greatness" to be found in their willingness to roll up their sleeves and do the work without complaint. 

In some strange way, it is these folks who helped hold the world, the center of things, together. I am not saying I am one of these folks, maybe a chip off the old block, a pale reflection of that noble stock. 

They are non-celebrites, non-rock-stars. Just common, ordinary folks. Showing up, doing their work. Living the dream. Whatever dream they conjured up in their heads. There is a nobility in the reality of their lives. Unspoken, unthought, the simple, dedicated action of doing, being & living.

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