Faux Fu

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Doing the Hard Things Without Getting Hardened...

Ah... well... climate catastrophe, (see previous post), lots of huffing & puffing, but finally, when the smoke clears, all one can offer as a concerned citizen is a meek: " Let's Hope for the Best." 

Sure. Seems lame, but it's pretty much all I got.

And, well, I was reminded again yesterday that I am a member of a very tricky, complicated Species. We think we are the Smart Monkeys, but, you know, those "smarts" are pretty limited, and often we act contrary to logic, reason, and good intent.

Are we fundamentally flawed? Well, I guess it depends on how you look at it. I think we are pretty much bound by our limited brain-power, and we are roiling oceans of emotion and madness. We are fundamentally HUMAN, and that's a precarious thing to be. Some of us lean to the light, and some of us enthusiastically embrace the darkness.

Somehow, sometimes, the "best of us," can rise above our humble circumstances and try our best to live righteously with heart, love, verve and grace.  

That's something worth celebrating, aspiring to. Those are the Humans I look to for inspiration. You know, within limits. Not saying it's easy to do. It's hard. Life is hard. Getting by is hard. Being Truthful to Life and Love is hard. Not giving up, not throwing in the towel, not becoming bitter or cynical is hard too.

Doing the hard things without getting hardened. Aye there's the rub...

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