Faux Fu

Monday, June 24, 2024

Can't Argue with Pathology...

Ha. Don't waste your breath or brain cells arguing with the Crazy Ones. It's easy to spot them. They do lots of loud talking, they are happy to club you with their opinions on everything, especially the things they know nothing about. They seem to have multiplied at an astonishing rate. Funny to realize that the Crazy Ones are legion in all walks of Life. 

The Crazy Ones are also often the Stupid Ones, but not always. Seemingly very successful, accomplished Humans are also totally fucking bat-shit Crazy. Unhinged & untethered from reality. 

If you do engage these folks, you are truly, madly deeply lost too. It's a no-win situation. How to explain it? Human Beings have always had a tentative grasp on Truth, Reality, Common Sense.  As the saying goes "Rationality is just another mask we wear."

So lots of chatter, huffing & puffing, back & forth arguments about the most ridiculous things. Madness. That is the social/political/cultural context of our present circumstances.  What is the best way forward?

It is super-easy to get swept up in the Madness. Just know that often you are arguing with a seriously sick mind, you are arguing with Pathology.

Am I Crazy too? Maybe a little bit. Everyone has to manage their own little madnesses. You know, it's hard to know. Best idea: Keep your feet on the ground. Be humble. Know that often you don't know. Be careful who you spend your time with. Trust, but Verify. Logic, Rationality, Common Sense, Humility, Humor. Be willing to admit when you are wrong, and be willing to change, to learn new things. Face the Facts if they rear their ugly heads. Use  the Scientific Method, it has been a fruitful field, observe and experiment, knowing that your perception may be flawed, and your experiment may be badly-conceived. It's also a pretty inefficient way to conduct a Life. Oh well, that's Life.

Know that all knowledge is tentative, temporary, often arbitrary. Be open and willing to adjust, morph, evolve. Lean to the Light. Luxuriate in Music, Dance, Poetry, Drama, Song. What about Religion? Tread carefully. The best lessons from the major Religions are simple and grand: Love, Forgiveness. Responsibility. Beyond that most Religions quickly devolve into absurdities. 

These are the realms where you find "Poetic Truths."  Reality & Poetry. Yes. These tools are out of favor at the present moment, "People just want to believe what they want to believe." Yes. Little Mad Babies. Know also that all these tools for a more realistic, truth-seeking vision are double-edged swords. They can help you thrive and also send you deep into dark rabbit holes. Be cautious in the midst of the herd. Be willing to stand alone, silent, disciplined, clear-eyed. Always seeking clarity. It's a Crazy World out there. Keep your head, and keep your eyes peeled. 

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